Wikimaps Warper

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Why doesn't it work?

It's beta, but it should work, and I'd be very interested if they don't work, so please drop me a line at and I'll take a look

Why can't I use google maps?

This application is designed for use with the openstreetmap project. There are legal and ethical arguments not to use Google Maps when rectifiying and processing out of copyright maps. However, in my opinion you can use Google Satellite, so you may see a way to add this later.


Grab the wms link and paste that into the relevant place using the wmsplugin. Have a look on the openstreetmap wiki for more info.

Can I get the code and help?

Yes. you can get the code here: it's currently MIT licenced
. You can contact me, Tim Waters, by mail at

What are the terms for uploading maps?

By uploading images to the website you agree that you allow anyone to view and use them, including changing control points.
So we recommend that you have permission to upload them. Uploading and making images available does not grant a copyright license to others. There is no guarantee about privacy or protection of images and metadata uploaded (see note below about personal data).
If you suspect a copyright infringement, please mail
Generally, make sure the image is free to distribute or copy - and please make a note in the description if there are any special conditions.

Is there a privacy policy?

We hate spam - your personal data (used for logging in etc) will be kept private, and they will never be shared with any third party, and will only be used in the rare occasion if we need to contact you.
If you want your details deleted, please mail