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100px 12 plane table sheets covering whole length of original frontier from l. tanganyika to uganda %26 extension south to kigoma.   war office ledger. %28woos 4 1 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. 4 control points.
100px plan af helsingfors jemte kartor %c3%b6fver finland%2c hufvudstadens omgifningar%2c saima kanal och helsingfors tavastehus jernv%c3%a4g samt tjugyfyra vyer 1860
almost 9 years ago. 3 control points.
100px corrections and suggested additions to soroti sheet 1 500.000 wo. part of a 36. %28womat afr bea 315 2 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px mombasa%2c victoria lake railway.surveyed in 1892 %28womat afr bea 2 3 1%29
From:,_Victoria_Lake_Railway.Sur... (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. 5 control points.
100px 29.9.13. extract from report on northern uganda %28womat afr bea 227 2 4%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px 29.9.13. extract from report on northern uganda %28womat afr bea 227 2 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px corrections and suggested additions to soroti sheet 1 500.000 wo. part of a 36. %28womat afr bea 315 2 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px correction. notes   war office ledger %28woos 6 1 3 4%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px sheet 8 kilimanjaro to tsavo stn. u.r.. %28woos 8 5%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. 5 control points.
100px plan of the country near likoni and mtongwe. created %28womat afr bea 241 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. 5 control points.
Displaying Map 6161 - 6170 of 7116 in total.  per page.