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100px z%c3%bcrich stadtplan um1910
almost 9 years ago. 4 control points.
100px keller stadtplan z%c3%bcrich 1504
almost 9 years ago. 5 control points.
100px reilly 371
almost 9 years ago. 3 control points.
100px 1861 map of san francisco%2c showing pioneer race course
almost 9 years ago. 6 control points.
100px falk%c3%b6ping 1902 med ust%c3%a4llningsomr%c3%a5det 1910
almost 9 years ago. 4 control points.
100px aussfeld markgr%c3%b6ningen karte von 1751 52
almost 9 years ago. 5 control points.
100px die gartenlaube %281864%29 b 763
almost 9 years ago. 4 control points.
Lossy page1 100px oslo byarkiv%2c grosch 1830 %c3%a5rene%2c 002 007.tif
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px bodleian libraries%2c horsham from the ordnance survey
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px atlas de wit 1698 pl086 saint omer kb ppn 145205088
almost 9 years ago. 4 control points.
Displaying Map 7201 - 7210 of 7228 in total.  per page.