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100px index map. east africa protectorate and uganda %28woos 13 8%29 Category:War Office Archive – British East Africa
Links: Wikimedia Commons
570 maps (53 maps rectified 9%)
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Map Title Last modified Status
100px uganda. upper half%2c sheet 86 uiii. %28woos 13 5 4 1%29
From:,_Sheet_86_UIII.... (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px usoga. jinja   kakindu rwy reconnaissance %28woos 16 3 4%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px usoga. jinja   kakindu rwy reconnaissance %28woos 16 3 5%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda%3b ripon falls %28womat afr bea 276%29
From:;_Ripon_Falls_WOMAT-AFR-BEA-... (In 1 mosaic)
over 6 years ago. 3 control points.
100px survey of telegraph line from frere town mombassa to malindi. east africa. %28womat afr bea 209 1 20%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px voi %28on mombasa uganda ry.%29 to taveta. %28with report%29 %28womat afr bea 33 2 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px voi %28on mombasa uganda ry.%29 to taveta. %28with report%29 %28womat afr bea 33 2 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px voi %28on mombasa uganda ry.%29 to taveta. %28with report%29 %28womat afr bea 33 2 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px white nile from l.albert to dufile.   war office ledger. %28womat afr bea 53%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px road sketch from gondokoro to mongulla. %28womat afr bea 114%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px route of major e.b. hawkins d.s.o. 1921. %28womat afr bea 263 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px field sheets numbered 1 to 32 %28woos 8 2 1 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px field sheets %28woos 13 6 1 11%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. 3 control points.
100px 12 plane table sheets covering whole length of original frontier from l. tanganyika to uganda %26 extension south to kigoma.   war office ledger. %28woos 4 1 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. 4 control points.
100px field sheets %28woos 13 6 1 12%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px africa. uganda %28woos 13 4 5 2%29
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over 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px anglo german delimitation commission e. eq. africa 1892 %28woog 127 1 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda topographical survey %28woos 13 2 1 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px anglo belgian boundary commission 1922 1923 1924 %28british section%29. %28woos 4 2 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px bnds. of counties bwekula%2c busuju %26 gomba %28womat afr bea 239 1%29
From:,_Busuju_... (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px compass sketch showing route followed by the wakedi field force %28womat afr bea 17 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px thumbnail
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px thumbnail
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px field sheets numbered 1 to 32 %28woos 8 2 1 21%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px field sheets numbered 1 to 32 %28woos 8 2 1 24%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px four sheets of rapid plane table survey of north east part of northern turkana showing proposed alignment of kitale lokitaung road %28womat afr bea 318 4%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px map attached to protocol describing boundary between the uganda protectorate and german east africa from mt. sabinio to source of r. chizinga. %28woos 17 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px map of nandi district   british east africa. %28womat afr bea 152 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px maps of the area from the mouth of the umba river to lake jipe%2c and of kilimanjaro and the neighbourhood %28woog 127 2 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px mt. lorienatom. northern turkana.%28sd%29 j.r. dugmore lt 5th. k.a.r. 24 11 33.. %28womat afr bea 307%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.