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100px index map. east africa protectorate and uganda %28woos 13 8%29 Category:War Office Archive – British East Africa
Links: Wikimedia Commons
570 maps (53 maps rectified 9%)
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Map Title Last modified Status
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. ilembi triangle. north east turkana. %28womat afr bea 305 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. Unrectified.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 10%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 12%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 13%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 14%29
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almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 17%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 15%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 16%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px capt. stevensons sketch uganda ry. scheme   war office ledger %28woos 13 5 7%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. Unrectified.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 20%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 19 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 9%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 11%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 5%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 4%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px thumbnail
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 4 years ago. 7 control points.
100px a field sheet.sheet.1 copy   war office ledger %28woos 7 1 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 4 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda kenya sudan corner %282 sheets%29. 6 pages of names %28woog 698 1 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 4 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda kenya sudan corner %282 sheets%29. 6 pages of names %28woog 698 2 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 4 years ago. Unrectified.
100px 12 plane table sheets covering whole length of original frontier from l. tanganyika to uganda %26 extension south to kigoma.   war office ledger. %28woos 4 1 8%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 3 years ago. Unrectified.
100px %27photograph of %28c%29 with additions by r.g.s.%27   war office ledger %28woos 7 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 3 years ago. 3 control points.
100px a map of lake rudolf and the region to the south west. reprinted from the geographical journal april 1935. %28womat afr bea 305 5%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 3 years ago. 3 control points.
100px a.g.b. boundary commission. %28woos 17 1 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 3 years ago. 3 control points.
100px field sheets   war office ledger. %28woos 18 1 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
9 months ago. Unrectified.
100px field sheets numbered 1 to 32 %28woos 8 2 1 9%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 1 year ago. Unrectified.
100px kampala   lake albert railway reconnaissance %28womat afr bea 212 1 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
12 months ago. Unrectified.
100px entebbe butiaba road. %28womat afr bea 189 11 5%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
12 months ago. Unrectified.
100px triangulation chart and reconnaissance survey. e uaso ngiro   marsabit. %28woos 7 1 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
11 months ago. Unrectified.
100px field sheets   war office ledger. %28woos 18 1 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
2 months ago. 3 control points.