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Home > Maps > Mosaics > Mosaic 4
100px index map. east africa protectorate and uganda %28woos 13 8%29 Category:War Office Archive – British East Africa
Links: Wikimedia Commons
570 maps (53 maps rectified 9%)
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Map Title Last modified Status
100px uganda topographical survey. sheet 86.u. iiib %26 ivb %28parts of%29 %28woos 13 5 6%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda kenya sudan corner %282 sheets%29. 6 pages of names %28woog 698 2 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda kenya sudan corner %282 sheets%29. 6 pages of names %28woog 698 2 6%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda. nimule  gondokoro cart road.. %28womat afr bea 223 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px uganda. sheet 86 u iv n. half.xd. w.v.m. sept 1907. %28woos 13 5 5 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px voi %28on mombasa uganda ry.%29 to taveta. %28with report%29 %28womat afr bea 33 1recto%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px voi %28on mombasa uganda ry.%29 to taveta. %28with report%29 %28womat afr bea 33 1verso%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px rough sketch to illustrate road reports and new boundary %28womat afr bea 218 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 9 years ago. Unrectified.
100px a map of the mouth of the umba river and the town of vanga %28woog 127 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px adjoining plane table sheets %28woos 13 5 1 1 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px thumbnail
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px anglo german boundary east africa 1904 %26 1905. %28woos 8 4 6%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px anglo german boundary east africa 1904 %26 1905. %28woos 8 4 7%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px africa. toro. buganda.. %28woos 13 4 4 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
about 8 years ago. Unrectified.
100px kilimandjaro%2c south and east %28on anglo german boundary%29   war office ledger. %28womat afr bea 29%29
From:,_South_and_East_on_An... (In 1 mosaic)
over 8 years ago. 10 control points.
100px uganda railway. mombasa to port florence. %28womat afr bea 196 1%29
From: (In 2 mosaics)
over 7 years ago. 5 control points.
100px anglo german boundary east africa 1904 %26 1905. %28woos 8 4 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 7 years ago. 5 control points.
100px e. af. p. kenia railway survey   war office ledger%2c %28womat afr bea 204 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 7 years ago. 4 control points.
100px e. af. p. kenia railway survey   war office ledger%2c %28womat afr bea 204 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 7 years ago. 4 control points.
100px umkamba prov. part of %28central%29   war office ledger. %28womat afr bea 54%29
From: (In 2 mosaics)
over 7 years ago. 5 control points.
100px place names  rudolph sheet %28woos 7 1 4 2 1recto%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 7 years ago. Unrectified.
100px nyeri district %28sd%29 arthur m. champion d.c. may 1927   sheet 2 %28womat afr bea 301 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 7 years ago. 4 control points.
100px nyeri district %28sd%29 arthur m. champion d.c. may 1927   sheet 2 %28womat afr bea 301 2%29
From: (In 2 mosaics)
over 7 years ago. 4 control points.
100px usoga. jinja   kakindu rwy reconnaissance %28woos 16 3 3%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 6 years ago. 4 control points.
100px usoga. jinja   kakindu rwy reconnaissance %28woos 16 3 1%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 6 years ago. 4 control points.
100px usoga. jinja   kakindu rwy reconnaissance %28woos 16 3 2%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
over 6 years ago. 2 control points.
100px bnds. of counties bwekula%2c busuju %26 gomba %28womat afr bea 239 2%29
From:,_Busuju_... (In 1 mosaic)
about 6 years ago. 4 control points.
100px %27traverse by lt. col llewelyn 5th k.a.r. korkora to kismayu. %28womat afr bea 280%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
about 6 years ago. Unrectified.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 6%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.
100px colony %26 protectorate of kenya. %28womat afr bea 275 7%29
From: (In 1 mosaic)
almost 5 years ago. 4 control points.